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Four Common Air Duct Issues to Look Out For

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Four Common Air Duct Issues to Look Out For

Common Air Duct Issues to Look Out For | Air Duct Cleaning Pearland, TX

Regular air duct cleaning is essential to maximize the efficiency of your unit, while keeping your breathing space clean. To effectively control the temperature of a room, hot and cold air must pass through the ducts. If, however, you experience any issues, this highlights cause for concern, which should be addressed by an expert. This raises an all important question, what issues should you be looking out for? Read on to find out more.

  1. Is My System Running Efficiently?

    An inefficient air duct system will generate further problems, culminating in decreased unit performance. What’s most important is you have a modern air duct system which has been well installed, because an inefficient system can decrease air flow and lead to poor insulation. An inefficient system will result in energy loss throughout the hot and cold months, so if you detect any of these issues in your system, you should consider getting a professional assessment, and potentially look to get your air duct replaced.
  2. There’s Air Leaking From My Duct!

    If you notice air leakage, this is a sign of the ductwork in your system not being sealed properly. This is usually the result of your unit becoming detached, or perhaps not being correctly aligned. Ducts should be sealed correctly to prevent air from escaping, since this can contribute to inefficiency and energy loss. Common side effects of air leakage include stifling rooms, high energy bills, and uneven air temperature.
  3. Help Me, I Can’t Breath!

    A restricted airflow in your system can hamper the airflow in your room, forcing your system to work harder than usual. This will shorten the lifespan of your unit, while contributing to increased breakdowns. Restricted airflow can be appropriately addressed by a reputable professional, who will install air ducts which do their job, avoiding unwanted damage like tearing, twisting, kinking, and crushing.
  4. My Duct Doesn’t Look Right...

    The size of your home dictates the capacity of your air duct, but an improper design will lead to many of the problems outlined in this article. Regular air duct maintenance is essential to assess the condition of your duct, and if the design is a recurring issue, a contractor will consider refitting it.

Thanks for reading this article. Be sure to use this information to accurately assess the condition of your air ducts, and determine whether professional help is necessary. If you would like to add anything to the conversation, or have any questions, please contact us and we’ll be in touch.


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